Welcome Back Students!

The HealthPATH program at Alameda Health System provides internships, volunteer opportunities, and other work-based learning experiences to more than 800 youth and young adults each year. With the start of the new school year, we are gearing up for our fall internship programs. In mid-September, over 80 high school students from throughout Oakland will begin the Health Excellence & Academic Leadership (HEAL) internship at Highland Hospital.

Through a combination of classroom instruction, hands-on skill development, and rotations through different hospital departments, students will learn about healthcare careers, experience first-hand what it’s like to work in a hospital, and begin building professional skills—such as communication, teamwork, and critical thinking—that are necessary to succeed in any career.

Keep an eye out for the students in blue lab coats with HealthPATH badges. If they show up in your department, we hope you’ll welcome them in, allow them to shadow you while you’re working, and share your own story about your path into a healthcare career. We thank you.

2019-09-26T21:21:38+00:00 September 4th, 2019|Categories: Internship Programs|Comments Off on Welcome Back Students!